Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Home for a day

So we just wrapped up our five week US/Canada tour tonight with a show at the Bowery Ballroom with our friends, Stupid Party and Times New Viking. One day off to get rid of this cold and catch up on E!, MTV, VH1 and Bravo trashy programming, then flying to the UK on Wednesday to embark on the start of our 4 week Eurotour. Thanks to everyone all over the US and Canada who came out to our shows and all the bands we played with. You made for a rad time. Europe, see you all soon!

I will leave you with some tour pictures and tour highlights..

(click on the pictures to see the whole thing, I can't figure out how to make blogger not cut them off) (editors note: i fixed the photos for you, ali! -katy)


Cole and Ariel

Weed, CA


Ski resort in Vancouver, BC

Braidy Katy

Double rainbow over SLC

Some girl's bathroom graffiti in Lawrence, KS

Being touristy on my unsuccessful quest to find a Los Campesinos CD in Minneap....olis

Katy's a tough guy

Cassie and I are not

Seeing Mikey in Minneapolis was an awesome treat

Even though I hate cats, this one was too fat not to like.

White monster, Mark's a jerk

+Being on the road with Ariel Pink and Haunted Graffiti
-Not being on the road with APHG anymore
+Abe Vigoda taking over for them in California and filling the void in our hearts
+Getting to hang out with our friends at Coachella and seeing incredible artists like the Cure, MIA, and Morissey.
-Washing my ipod in my laundry at the hotel in Palm Springs
+Throwing water balloons at Fucked Up during their Coachella set
-Getting in trouble for throwing water balloons at Fucked Up during their Coachella set :(
+Playing a crepe restaurant to a crowd of sweaty dancing kids who were sweating and dancing a foot from us
+Olive Garden soup, breadsticks and salad
+Nardwuar interview!!
+Midnight frisbee on astroturf with Tacocat in Seattle
+Spending time with our friends Gareth and Neil Campesinos in Seattle
-Crystal Antlers getting strip searched at the Canadian border
+DJing 90s top 40 in Toronto and clearing the room with the Deftones

It's my bedtime.



Anthony said...

nice fake plastic legs...

David said...

The Crepe Place gig was fantastic! One of the best gigs I've been to in awhile.

headQuake said...

is it me or does nardwuar have some sweet interviews. and his name nardwuar...say it...nardwuar. mehs...